Bill Mollison

Bruce Charles 'Bill' Mollison (born 1928 in Tasmania, Australia)

Bill Mollison is a researcher, author, scientist, teacher and naturalist. He is considered to be the 'father of permaculture', an integrated system of design, co-developed with David Holmgren, that encompasses not only agriculture, horticulture, architecture and ecology, but also economic systems, land access strategies and legal systems for businesses and communities.


Global Gardener Series:

Bill Mollison (co-popularizer of permaculture ideas with David Holmgren) narrates a four part series exploring successful permaculture strategies in four different climatic contexts around the world.





In Grave Danger of Falling Food

In This introductory video to Permaculture, Bill Mollison, the movements co-founder, takes the viewer through the history and developments of the movement. With startelingly laconic humour adn insight he deconstructs the modern agribusiness and the 'modern plague' : manicured ornamental lawns. In this video he offers an antidote, whihc is an anti-dote, which is an antidote to both our currently unsustainable practices AND our unsustainable culture. Both of these have to change, to adapt. Permanently. Heres how...